Sviluppo firmware nuovi prototipi

Starting with the innovative STCOMET chip (developed by STMicroelectronics) that integrates measurement, power line communication and control capabilities. In collaboration with partners UNIPA and CNR-INM, new firmware has been developed to realize various prototypes for smart grids. The photos show the development and preliminary laboratory testing stages of an innovative interface protection system to be installed on generation and storage plants and the related concentrator to be installed in the secondary cabin, to enable grid operators (partners SOPES and SEA) to interact intelligently with such systems from a smart grid perspective. On the other pictures there are the tests developed on the prototype at LAYER site with which the communication protocol to the innovative bidirectional inverters is being developed. Finally, laboratory tests are shown for the characterization of Power Quality metrics and harmonic analysis algorithms implemented on the device.

For more information:
Artale, G., Caravello, G., Cataliotti, A., Cosentino, V., Di Cara, D., Dipaola, N., Guaiana, S., Panzavecchia, N., Sambataro, M.G., Tinè, G., “PQ and harmonic assessment issues on low-cost smart metering platforms: A case study”, (2020) Sensors (Switzerland), 20 (21), art. no. 6361, pp. 1-27,

G. Artale, G. Caravello, A. Cataliotti, V. Cosentino, D. Di Cara, S. Guaiana, N. Panzavecchia, G. Tinè,, “Measurement of Simplified Single- and Three-Phase Parameters for Harmonic Emission Assessment Based on IEEE 1459-2010,” in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 70, pp. 1-10, 2021, ISSN: 0018-9456, DOI: